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Solar Sails: A Novel Approach to Interplanetary (and Interstellar) Travel

Solar sail propulsion will make space exploration more affordable and offer access to destinations within (and beyond) the solar system that are currently beyond our reach. Les’ talk will describe solar sails, how they work and what they will be used for in the exploration of space. He will cover the current plans for solar sails and future space missions using them

Interstellar Travel

More than 1000 exoplanets have been discovered, some of which may be similar to Earth. Many are now asking, “How do we get there?” Though the distances are vast, there are methods that may allow humanity to one day go to the stars - and they are within the known laws of physics. (No warp drive required!) Following a status on exoplanets research, Les will describe methods that may one day allow humanity to become an interstellar species.

Immersive Fulldome Video in the Planetarium

If your memories of your last visit to a planetarium include the sounds of clackity-clacking 35mm slide projectors and a wobbly reel-to-reel audio track, you need to come back for the latest in A/V geekery.

This session will cover

  • a brief history of old-school planetarium tech,
  • the star projector,
  • digital projectors,
  • hybrid systems,
  • production tools (Cameras, 3D animation, After Effects, 6-camera GoPro rigs, Oculus Rift),
  • and shameless Dome Club plug.