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Malware Analysis: Aint Nobody Not Got Time for That

There's no shortage of malware to poke at, especially if you work on a blue team. Whether you're in a fast-paced SOC environment or looking for a weekend project, an assembly fan or code-phobic, there's something that you can learn from malware samples using what you've got. The talk will make some suggestions about ways to best spend your time in malware analysis (as well as why you should bother). It'll be a mix of content that should be widely accessible and content geared towards people comfortable with looking at a disassembly.

x86 Assembly - It's Really Not Actually That Bad

Knowledge of assembly language is an awesome tool. It can help foster a better understanding of how computers work at a lower level and allow you to unlock the secrets of compiled code. It can also look kind of scary which discourages people from diving in, but the truth is that it really isn't. The presentation aims to explain what assembly language is, why it's worth learning, and, to an extent, how it works via the discussion of CPU architecture.

The Hacker Next Door: Confessions of a Black Hat

An in-depth look at how the black hat community operates. From goals to methodologies, Alex will pull back the curtains on some of the world’s most dangerous cyber-attacks and attackers so you can better understand the threats you face.

Included in this session:

  • The 4 universal steps of a cyber-attack
  • What happens from the attacker’s point of view
  • What happens after an attack

Don’t miss this unique insight into how black hat hackers operate, and how you can protect your network.

Tech Hobby to Tech Paycheck

Get solid advice on how to create and expand your resume, how to get your resume noticed, how to work with and find recruiters (and get them to find you!), how to choose and use job boards, how to list skills such as game jams, hackathons, and other hobby work, and tips on the best way to make progress towards finding your dream job.

If you have a resume, bring it along to get one-on-one advice on how it looks, and suggestions on ways it might be improved, or where and how to post it to get the most attention.

Comrades, Contribute to Free and Open Source Software!

Anecdotally, it seems that many supporters of free and open source principles have never had the opportunity to get involved in a FOSS project. This is understandable, since getting involved with a project can be no small feat without appropriate mentorship and/or introduction. In this talk we will break down the process of setting up contribution environments for both the Linux kernel and the Firefox web browser. Most importantly, this is not just for software engineers, as non-developers make invaluable contributions in many areas; from submitting bug reports to graphic design.

Heartburn from the Heartbleed Vulnerability

What is the Heartbleed vulnerability really about, how do you defend yourself, and how many of your favorite web sites are still vulnerable?

The heartbleed bug was caused by a coding error in the OpenSSL crypto library used by 17% of all the sites on the Internet using HTTPS.

In the aftermath of the bug we have discovered some serious weaknesses in many of the systems that make the Internet possible.

Is public key infrastructure up to the task of protecting our most sensitive data?

Has Linus's Law been refuted? Can we trust open source software?

NarkNet: Passive Wi-Fi Surveillance

Do you use open Wi-Fi? Did you know that it is possible to passively intercept your traffic? See a live demo and learn how to protect yourself.

NarkNet uses free off-the-shelf technology that comes natively with many operating systems to passively intercept wireless networking traffic.

The WiFi network adapter in your computer is a radio. The radio can be manually tuned to the radio frequency used by a WiFi access point (AP).

Wikipedia: Tips on Communicating with the Hive Mind

Bring your computers and/or questions to this workshop, where Elonka, a Wikipedia administrator since 2007, will explain the best ways to create, expand, or modify Wikipedia articles, and teach you some of the tricks and syntax techniques that go on behind the scenes.

From Elonka: "No limit on size (attendance), everyone should have a computer and wi-fi.  Recommend they already have an account setup, and perhaps the names of a couple articles they'd like to edit/create/investigate."