Salon A
NLUG room
Salon B
Panels and movies
Salon C
Vendors and bazaar
noon clusters open/available occupied
18:00 Nashville 2600 meeting
21:00 "Freedom Downtime" screening
Nashville premier
23:00 "Hackers: the Movie" drinking game
00:00 clusters "Hackers: the Movie" drinking game open/available
01:00 open/available
08:00 clear passed-out drunks from rooms; take pictures of the ones who have been rooted; equipment load-in; make stuff purty for the public
10:00am Installfest:
general info
Biotechnology: the Frontiers of Genetic Engineering and What It Can Create
by Marie
11:00 Killing Spammers Dead, or at Least Taking Them Offline for a While
by Fuller, Lothar and Nohbody
12:00 Uber-tech: the Superdome Supercomputer
by James Dean
13:00 The Art of Hacking Pre-Employment/Random Drug Screens
by Ms. Forensic Chemist
14:00 The Tripoli High Power Amateur Rocketry Association
by Mark Tygleiski, Huntsville AL
15:00 SETI League
by Tom Crowley
16:00 experiments LPFM/Radio Free Nashville Update
by Beau Hunter & friends
17:00 Secure Network Design, Including Host and Topology Concerns
by SGamgee
18:00 Cracking DSS
by Woofus
19:00 Decius 6i5 rants
20:00 IFJ's c64 video
21:00 open/available
22:00 open/available
00:00 experiments open/available open/available
08:00 clear passed-out drunks from rooms; take pictures of the ones who have been rooted; equipment load-in; make stuff purty for the public
10:00 experiments Minors and Hacking, Technology in Education
by Fuller and Lothar
11:00 something weird
by jonnyx
12:00 Bug Reports
by Timball & Co.
13:00 TCP/IP fun
by RijilV
14:00 SARA
by Tom Crowley
15:00 *solved*
PhreakNIC v3.0 code

walkthrough by Elonka
16:00 Closing comments
by jonnyx
17:00 cleanup open/available
18:00 open/available



NLUG members experiment with clustering technologies. Talks on various topics are unofficially scheduled; check with attending NLUG members for details.

Check out the completely unrelated convention t-shirt.

Friday, noonish to Saturday, 8:00AMish


"Using All the Alphabet Soup" - sessions on networks, Samba, DNS, NFS, updates an upgrades, X servers and clients, RC5, SETI, distros, you name it. Talks on various topics are unofficially scheduled; check with attending NLUG members for details.

Saturday, 4:00PM to Sunday, 5:00PMish or later?


Bring your computer & get expert assistance in installing Linux, BSD, etc.
Then participate in root wars, if you dare.

Saturday, 10:00am to 4:00PM

Note that the NLUGers will help you install Linux at any point during PhreakNIC, but the emphasis on what they are doing will be different before and after the official installfest times.

The Art of Hacking Pre-Employment/Random Drug Screens
by Ms. Forensic Chemist

Tips and tricks of the trade from someone who has made a living examining your wee-wee (and other cast-off bodily parts) in the taxpayer-funded "War on (Some) Drugs". Insider information on how these tests work and how they can be fooled. Protected by the First Amendment, so don't even think about trying to prevent this, you anti-free-speech goons.

Saturday, 1:00PM to 2:00PM

Good links:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Biotechnology: the Frontiers of Genetic Engineering and What It Can Create
by Marie

Information about genetic engineering, what is being made with this technology, the Human Genome Project, bioinformatics, and DNA computing.

Saturday, 10:00AM to 11:00AM

Bug Reports
by Timball & Co.

How to report bugs without getting blamed for them, or accused of being evil crackers bent on destruction. What to do if your reports are ignored ( and what happens next). This infomation is especially timely due to the DMCA, the UCITA and incidents like this recent story on slashdot, where even looking at cracked and defaced website can get you in trouble with the FBI.

Sunday, noon to 1:00PM

Hit these sites and learn why the DMCA and the UCITA are bad: - the Digital Future Coalition - For a Competitive Information and Technology Economy (4CITE)

Closing comments
by jonnyx

Tell jonnyX why he sucks, why PhreakNIC sucked, and how you can do a better job next year, etc., while the nice men in the white suits fit him for his new jacket with the extra-long sleeves (assuming the *other* nice chaps in the blue uniforms and/or the expensive suits with matching dark glasses & wires trailing out of their ears haven't hauled him away already for rioting, ringleading and otherwise pissing off powerful people).

Sunday, 4:00PM to 5:00PM

Cracking DSS
by Woofus

Digital Satellite System TV signals are beamed onto your property, into your house and even through your body 24hrs/day, whether you use these services or not. Some people experiment passively with these signals, and might even see some descrambled TV in the process. This talk will focus on some of the hardware and software used in the descrambling process. There will be handouts and a computer setup to demonstrate associated smartcard reader/writer software. For legal purposes, no cards will actually be programmed, but panelists will go through most of the motions.

Saturday, 6:00PM to 7:00PM

More info via

Decius 6i5 rants

Once again, Nashville 2600's beloved founder, Decius 6i5, returns to blow our minds with something utterly amazing. He's the guy on the lower right in the JPG.

Saturday, 7:00PM to 8:00PM

"Freedom Downtime" screening - Nashville premier

A feature length 2600 documentary about the Free Kevin movement and the hacker world, two years in the making. Includes coverage of efforts to prevent a major motion picture (Takedown) from defaming Kevin Mitnick during his time in prison, a cross country adventure as the Free Kevin movement kicked into high gear, and interviews with many from the hacker community.

Friday, 9:00PM to 11:00PMish

"Hackers: the Movie" drinking game

Join us as we combine sensitive and insightful MST3K-style commentary with blood-alcohol poisoning, MPAA copyright-infringement, and possible curfew violations in a fun game for the whole family! Be the first to spot a technical innacuracy by shouting "Bullshit!" (or some other expletive) at the top of your lungs, and everyone else takes a drink. But be careful! If you incorrectly call bs on some portion of the plot, YOU must take a drink while everyone laughs, points at you, throws small objects and forces you to use AOL. Please have legal ID for proof-of-age handy. Disputes will be settled by humiliating contests made up on the spot by con staff. No vomiting, please. Winner is the last person conscious, their prize is aspirin and coffee in the morning. In the unlikely event the movie actually ends with more than one person still conscious, um, well, we're not sure - that's never happened before.

Friday, 11:00PM until only one participant is left conscious or the movie ends, whichever comes first.

Other MST3K links!

IFJ's c64 video

*note* - the following description was lifted blatantly from the DefCon Multi Media Archives

C-64 Cracks, Tools, and Demos - by Iron Feather Journal.
C-64 Cracks is a 104 minute video of Commodore 64 demos from cracking crews, tools, and warez from the 1980's to early 1990's. Set against the original demo sound track, this is a glimpse into the past roots of the hacking and cracking 'scene' from a visual perspective. Sit back on watch, and the memories will flood back! The classic SID music, the awesome raster bars, the sprite abuse, the scrolls with all the greetings & shouts to fellow pirates!

Saturday, 11:00PM to Sunday, 1:00AMish

Be sure to check out IFJ's table in the vendor's room.

You can also check out the video via Real Player Plus in RTSP or PNM mode (port 554 or 7070); the "PerfectPlay" option doesn't seem to work properly.
Quarter screen
Full Screen
DefCon's media server has experienced some DNS problems recently; try if it doesn't resolve properly.

Killing Spammers Dead, or at Least Taking Them Offline for a While
by Fuller, Lothar and Nohbody

Spammers are everywhere; from your favorite newsgroup, to web posting boards, and even in your personal e-mail box. While getting rid of the spam is the work of the truly dedicated (and demented/deranged ;) ), there are simple things you can do to contribute to wiping these vermin off of the electronic map. Also, learn how to craft effective abuse reports, minimizing the chance a busy abuse desk admin will bit-bucket your complaint or otherwise NOT squash the guy who dumped that oh-so-inviting offer to watch Cindy get off with a mule message in your inbox.

Saturday, 11:00am to noon

LPFM / Radio Free Nashville Update
by Beau Hunter & friends

Hear the latest on the Low Power FM movement (an attempt to put some portions of the broadcast spectrum back into the hands of the public), who opposes it (the National Association of Broadcasters, media conglomerates and other commercial interests), why, and how you can get involved. Tennessee's application date is fast-approaching.

Saturday, 4:00PM to 5:00PM

Minors and Hacking, Technology in Education
by Fuller and Lothar

Minors have had a major role in the hacking community. Laws, experiences, heroes and merit-based education are examined from both an academic perspective and that of our youngest members. Parents, learn why you should encourage your kids, what they are really up to, and how full of bs most mainstream media is when reporting "hacker" stories.

Sunday 10:00AM to 11:00AM

An earlier version of this talk given at DragonCon 2000's EFGA track can be heard in RA or mp3 formats.

Nashville 2600 meeting

Join members of the Nashville chapter of 2600 as they plan, plot and discuss the future of (a meta-group composed of 2600 chapters in the southeast United States), the Nashville chapter in particular, PhreakNIC5, cons in 2001, recent and pending server moves, recent press and events involving the hacking community, and other issues of vital importance.

Friday, 6:00PM to 9:00PMish

PhreakNIC v3.0 code
walkthrough by Elonka

From the faraway reaches of that wasteland known as St. Louis, Missouri, Elonka decided to take a look at the PhreakNIC v3.0 Code and give it a shot. Though no one else had been able to crack it in a year of trying, she managed to successfully core-drill to its center in 10 days, and cracked it on August 7, 2000. By doing so, she won free booze, T-shirts, and accommodations at PhreakNIC v4.0. How'd she crack the code? Superior 'l33t skillz, or dumb luck? Come to her presentation on Sunday, and join her as she leads a tour group into the dark and twisted recesses of jonnyX's brain. Elonka will go step by step through the solution of the Code, explaining the dozen or so different cryptographic techniques that were required to get to its center.

Sunday, 3:00PM to 4:00PM

Step-by-step tutorial

Secure Network Design, Including Host and Topology Concerns
by SGamgee

Take notes, lock down your LAN, and try this stuff out at root wars.

Saturday, 5:00PM to 6:00PM

SETI League
by Tom Crowley, regional coordinator

A talk about the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence via amateur 3- to 5-meter diameter satellite TV dishes and other equipment you can build yourself (see The SETI League Technical Manual); SETI is a science, not simply a screensaver.

Saturday, 3:00PM to 4:00PM

by Tom Crowley, SARA President

The Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) is a dedicated group of people that formed an international society to learn, trade technical information and do their own observations of the radio sky. This organization is a scientific, non-profit group founded for the sole purpose of supporting amateur radio astronomy. SARA was organized in the early 1980's and today has about 400 members worldwide. The group consists of optical astronomers, ham radio operators, engineers, teachers and non-technical persons. Many of our members are new to the field of radio astronomy and membership is extended to all who have an interest in radio astronomy.

Sunday, 2:00pm to 3:00pm

something weird
by jonnyx

Not even jonnyX is sure what this talk will be about, but rest assured, it will be absolutely amazing, probably, unless the panelists are passed-out somewhere and miss it, in which case not a whole lot will be going on at this point.

Sunday, 11:00AM to noon

TCP/IP fun
by RijilV

Fundamentals of the TCP/IP protocol stack. Detailed outline of how the various protocols in the stack work independantly and with each other. Explanations of some of the more common TCP/IP attacks.

Sunday, 1:00PM to 2:00PM

The Tripoli High Power Amateur Rocketry Association
by Mark Tygleiski, Huntsville Area Rocketry Association

A talk about the evolution of sport rocketry from Estes until today (bigger motors, composite propellants, nitrous oxide hybrid systems, electronics, etc.), altitude records, big projects, and even government regulation. There will be rockets on display, but the FAA will not allow launches so close to the airport.

Saturday, 1:00PM to 2:00PM

Links of interest:

Uber-tech: the Superdome Supercomputer
by James Dean

HP's "Superdome" is the company's new high-end server. Some interesting problems had to be solved when hardware is scaled this large. Hear what makes a 64 processor system run, and the challenges of designing for: IA64 upgrades, CrossBars across cabinets, and multiple simultaneous OS types (HP-UX, NT, Linux). James works for HP, but is speaking in his private capacity as he finds this the most "kick-ass" piece of hardware he's laid hands on in a long time. For those with a hardware power fetish only! Bigger is Better!

Saturday, noon to 1:00PM

Table space is reserved for the following vendors:
A few other unconfirmed vendors may be added. The rest of the table space will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis as a general purpose bazaar; have fun with it. Feel free to use a vendors table space if they are NOT currently using it, but please vacate when asked.


Private con rooms - r00t wars, djs, videos, lasers, mayhem
Other activities - The return of the PhreakNIC Olympics, the 3rd Annual PhreakNIC Coding Competition, misc. wierdness
Staff work schedule - sign up for empty slots at Salon B registration desk