.: Schedule of Events

Friday, October 20, 2006

All times listed are 24 hour CST, unless you're always late, in which case they're EST.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Compromising Physical Locks by Sysmin, Riskable and Qui Gon

This presentation covers the art of lock picking and lock bypassing. It will provide an overview of various types of locks along with the tools and methods used to compromise them. There will also be discussions as to what features make for a high security lock and what makes a cheap lock so worthless. The presentation has been created with the beginner in mind so if you've never touched a lock pick in your life, feel free to join in the fun. Lock picking can be fun for a boy, a girl, a boy and girl together, or a boy that wants to be a girl!

The Copyright of Cthulhu by Pope JonnyX and Lord Draco

An examination of the surprising and recently-revealed legal status of the works of H.P. Lovecraft (creator of Cthulhu, the Necronomicon; father of the Cthulhu Mythos), Robert E. Howard (creator of Conan, Kull, etc.), Robert Bloch (author of Psycho), Clark Ashton Smith (creator of Zothique, Tsathoggua, etc.) and other early 20th century Mythos authors, as well as implications for both the pen-and-paper RPG and videogame industries. Also, who is creating new content in this genre, ways they are using the internet to freely distribute their works, and how they are still managing to make enough money to make it worthwhile. The history and influence of these works on everything from "The X-Files" tv series to the "Evil Dead" movies will also be briefly covered.

Creating a Windows Live CD for System Recovery and Pen-Testing by Irongeek

This presentation will go over the basics of creating and running a cut down version of Windows XP/2003 off of a boot CD using Bart's PE builder. The workshop will cover useful tools for the system admin, as well as how to create your own plugins for Bart's PE.

Exploring the Myths and Realities of Academic Research on Hackers by Thomas J. Holt, Ph.D.

Hackers often express concern over the ways their exploits and culture will be portrayed by the media. This translates into a relative distrust of reporters and news outlets, as well as academics who attempt to study hackers and hacking. However, any bias toward academic research on hacking may not be entirely founded on fact. There are significant benefits for hackers to participate in research projects, as academics have the potential to inform fields of study and policy-making. This talk will explore the methods and tools researchers use to objectively examine issues, as well as the safety mechanisms used to protect participants. I will use examples from previous and on-going studies to consider how academic research may benefit the hacker community, as well as the larger population of end users. This talk will also present a new research initiative to address important issues that affect hackers and call for interested individuals to participate in this study. Attendees are welcome to ask questions, provide feedback, and generally discuss the issues presented to explore how hackers and researchers can work together.

Geeks with Drivers Licenses by WizardPC

A brief explanation of the evolution of CarPCs flowing into how to build your own system. Budget systems as well as "I have more money than sense" systems will be covered to give attendees ideas for their own vehicles.

Here's Looking at You... by dc0de and Decius

Latest developments in technology are allowing encrypted traffic to be read at wire speed in real time, while the end user and the destination sites are not completely aware of the "tap". New legislation is also forcing companies and ISP's to store and provide information for the purposes of "stopping child pornography", all without a court order. This talk will discuss all of the new proposed legislation, technologies, and ways to avoid being a statistic of "Big Brother".

How Linux, PostgreSQL, and Perl Helped Discover the Accelerating Universe by Prof. Robert Knop

In 1998, Science Magazine declared that the discovery of the acceleration of the Universe's expansion was the "Discovery of the Year." I was deeply involved in one of the two teams that announced this discovery. One of the hats I wore in the collaboration was the computer guy -- I kept the systems running, and I even wrote, maintained, and ran a lot of the software we used for managing databases and performing image subtraction. I'll talk about some of the image subtaction techniques that led to the discvoery of high-redshift supernovae, and how a panopoly of Free Software was associated with the infrastructure of this amazing cosmological discovery.

Incident Response and Forensics Investigation by Presmike

I will walk through all steps involved in investigating an incident. I will start with the network traffic (reading the IDS data, tracking down the host, and recon on the attacker), then we will look at live data on the box, and lastly an in depth look at the hard drive. It will be step by step oriented with a lot of different (free and commercial) tools that can be used in an investigation.

Network Data Backup with Bacula by Warren Turkal

I would like to talk about a basic network backup solution and how to set it up. I think everyone at Phreaknic basically understands the need to data backup when it comes to providing security so that data won't just disappear. Therefore, I want to focus on using Bacula, an open source product, as the solution for backup. Basically, Bacula provides a great deal of functionality to do network backups and I think it's a pretty good product.

Prior Restraint and Information Security Research by Rattle

This presentation will cover the history of prior restraint in the United States legal system, focusing on concerns for those presenting or publishing information related to security research. It will cover many situations where information was released in the traditional media, on the Internet, and in convention presentations. Situations covered will range from the government's response the release of The Pentagon Papers and the Teller-Ulam hydrogen bomb design, to contemporary examples of corporate legal response to the release of circumvention tools and vulnerabilities. This presentation aims to give attendees an idea of what is necessary to protect themselves when disclosing sensitive information.

Rights Under Attack: The Captain Powers Story by Amy H. Sturgis, Ph.D.

On the eve of its twentieth anniversary, Amy considers the first science fiction television series by J. Michael Straczynski (of later Babylon 5 fame). His dystopian vision of the year 2147 included cutting-edge depictions of virtual reality and articifial intelligence, and the series marked a first in the development of interactive television-viewer technology. It is ironic that a series about the fictional oppression of humanity would fall victim to a very real attack on rights, as Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future drew active opposition from both the political right and political left. Two decades later, the series remains impressive, not only for its considerable storytelling merits, but also for the warnings inherent in its ultimate cancellation.

Smashing Web 2.0 for Fun and Profit! by Acidus

Web 2.0. We all know the buzz ($1500 conferences, perpetual and self-serving circle jerks from the blogosphere, etc), but what does it all mean? Well, for the last year I've focused more on how to hack it and secure it than trying to define it, so why don't I talk about that instead! This presentation will discuss the security dangers from AJAX, analyze the Yamanner worm, demo some super nasty things I can do with JavaScript *cough*PORTSCAN*cough*. Oh, and I've got something new that will kick TinyURL in the nuts. Again.

Understanding RFID by Kn1ghtl0rd and Lowtek Mystik

We will be talking about RFID (radio frequency identification). First we will discuss what RFID is and go into technical details about it which will take about 15 or 20 minutes. This will also cover the current attempts for standardization. We will then talk about the different uses for RFID and some of the current implementations and examples we can find. We will then talk about current exploits for RFID. We are going to set up our RFID reader and tags and demontrate how it works and some of the more unique things RFID can be used for. Finally, we are going to stash some inane objects around the hotel with RFID on them for people to find and whoever brings the most will get a prize to be determined later. We will wrap up with a Q&A.

Where's the Warez? Free Movies, Games, Music and Porn. The Best Ways to Piss Off the MERC and Earn Your Mother's Scorn by Courier HST and FSP

Everyone knows that the warez on the bus go round and round, round and round ... all thru the town, but how do you find the bus? Our two member panel will lead a discussion about free (as in beer) stuff on the internet. In the spirit of giving-shit-away there will be FREE PRIZES awarded at random as well as free shell access to sites only available to members of our special PNX audience, so early arrival is a must. Limited Seating.

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