- Amy Flatt:
- Arnie Holder:
- Ben Hicks:
- Ben Vierck:
- Ben White:
- Brent White:
- Brimstone:
- Drew Sutton:
- Elbino Bunny:
- Elonka Dunin:
- Froggy:
- James Powell:
- Joe Cathell
- Jonathan Ryan:
- Michael Walker:
- Mog:
- Oddball:
- Patrick Burns:
- Phil Showers:
- Poiupoiu:
- Robert Ward
- Ron Foster:
- SA Hale:
- Scott Augenbaum:
- Shae:
- spaceB0x
- Steve Exposito:
- Steve Mallard:
- Tim Paschedag:
- Terry Hale:
- West:
- Winn Schwartau:
- The Analogue Prism of Network Security -Winn Schwartau
- An FBI view into network security and where the failures are - Scott Augenbaum and Victor Rodriguez
- BadNet: backdoor exploits to create maliciously trained neural networks
- btrfs - The Best Filesystem You’ve Not Heard Of! - poiupoiu
- Chipmusic Has Outlived The Chips (and it's better than ever) - Arnie Holder
- Closing Ceremonies
- Communicating your tech knowledge through stand-up, storytelling, and magical thinking - West
- Continuous Intergration - SpaceB0x(@spaceb0xx)
- DKEY - Data Destruction At Scale - Drew Sutton
- The Drone State of the Union - Ron Foster
- FOIA Update: It finally got hard - Steve Esposito (@AustrianAnarchy)
- The Friedman Tombstone - Elonka Dunin
- Geek Ladies Tea Party
- Geek's Guide To A Healthy Lifestyle - Ben White
- GOING COMMANDO! - Joe Cathell & Robert Ward (@kamikazejoe)(@rtward)
- Hacking 101
- Hacking Academia for Fun and Profit. - Michael Walker
- Haskell Doesn't Have to be a Hassle - Elbino Bunny
- I ******* Love Lasers! - Laughing Boy
- Knights Templar: - Elonka Dunin (@ElonkaDunin)
- Making pottery from CAD using open source tools - Phil Showers
- Lightning Talks - (Brought to you by Shae Erisson (@Shapr)
- Making life in an MSP easier (and more difficult!) with Labtech and automation. - Froggy
- Overkill: The Home Edition - James Powell
- The Password GameShow - Mog and Brimstone
- Practical applications of apps & devices that can see, hear, and think. -Ben Vierck and Tim Paschedag
- Reverse Engineering Circuit Boards - Jonathan Ryan
- Self Defense 101 - Oddball
- SharkDump: Network Analysis Using tcpdump and Wireshark - Drew Sutton
- Skills For A Redteamer - Brent White (@brentwdesign)
- Skills – Microsoft vs. Linux. Why personnel in IT should have both. - Steve Mallard
- Social Engineering: A Practitioner Guide - SA Hale and Terry Hale
- Welcome to PhreakNET!
- Welcome to PhreakNIC / The state of the Nashville2600 - Elonka Dunin
- Kids Track: DRONES!
- Kids Track: Learning to program in Scratch - Michele Carpenter
- Kids Track: Makey Makey the Invention Kit for Everyone! - Amy Flatt (@AmyFlatt1)
- Kids Track: I can solder badges!
- WorkShop: Getting started with Python - Shae Erisson (@Shapr)
- WorkShop: An introduction to VI(m)!
- WorkShop: Linux: Using command line interface with basic commands to get the data you want
- After Hours - Oculus try out and Board Games with Con Organizers
Welcome to PhreakNIC / The state of the Nashville2600 - Elonka Dunin (@ElonkaDunin)
Elonka Dunin and the other officers of the Nashville2600 will greet everyone and briefly discuss the activities and options at PhreakNIC this year.
Knights Templar: - Elonka Dunin (@ElonkaDunin)
The mysterious Order of the Knights Templar is often referred to in modern books, films, and games. How much is known about this organization? Were they really associated with the Holy Grail? The Priory of Sion? Freemasonry? Come hear Elonka Dunin, namesake for the "Nola Kaye" character in one of Dan Brown's novels, sift the facts from the rumors about this mysterious organization from the Crusades.
The Friedman Tombstone - Elonka Dunin (@ElonkaDunin)
William and Elizebeth Friedman, married in 1917, became a couple that is legendary within the cryptologic community. Starting their work while looking for ciphers in the works of William Shakespeare, their work grew into codebreaking for the United States. William coined the term "cryptanalysis", and wrote the manuals which became the foundation for American military cryptographers. Elizebeth herself was a legendary code-breaker, solving ciphers throughout both World Wars, and foiling the efforts of international smugglers. Together, they created the foundation for what today is known as the National Security Agency. This year, Elonka, on a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, noticed that the Friedmans had also hidden a cipher on their tombstone! Come to this talk to learn all the details.
Elonka Dunin is a professional game developer, writer, and cryptographer. She serves as chair on the board of the Nashville2600. She is webmistress of two popular crypto-related websites which contain information about the world's most famous unsolved codes. As of 2015, her elonka.com website has had over five million page views. In 2000 she was awarded a prize for being the first person to crack the 1999 PhreakNIC v3.0 Code. In 2003 she led the team that cracked the famous Cyrillic Projector cipher, which turned out to contain extracts of classified KGB documents. In 2006 she authored "The Mammoth Book of Secret Codes and Cryptograms", which has been published internationally with multiple re-printings. Bestselling author Dan Brown honored Elonka by naming one of the characters in his Da Vinci Code sequel The Lost Symbol after her: "Nola Kaye" is an anagrammed form of "Elonka".
She has also been featured by the popular webcomic Penny Arcade, where she created a cipher that dovetailed with the daily comic. In other hobbies, Dunin is an avid Wikipedia editor, was elected as an administrator in 2007, and has been a significant contributor to over 500 articles, especially in topics related to the Crusades and medieval history.
When not in front a computer, she's probably out geocaching.
GOING COMMANDO! - Joe Cathell & Robert Ward (@kamikazejoe)(@rtward)
That's right, watch two guys stand up in front of a room of people and go full commando! Whoa, don't get too excited there. We will both be wearing clean...ish undergarments. By "going commando", we are referring to conducting any and all of your everyday computing tasks from the command line! Everything from being productive in an office environment, to posting the twitters and streamin' the youtubes! Why you ask? We are all hackers here aren't we? And what hacker doesn't want to look as cool as in real life as we do in the movies? So come and enjoy all the typie-typie carpal tunnel goodness!
Joe Cathell is an infosec professional at the Washington University in St. Louis. Robert ward is a co-founder and engineer at the legal-tech startup Juristat. When they're not defending our next generation of doctors from Russian hackers, or trying to out-wit the patent office, they can usually be found at the Arch Reactor Hackerspace. Robert and Joe are both founding members of Arch Reactor, and Joe is currently serving as president. They're also the co-organizers of the monthly STL2600 / DC314 meetup, as well as regular presenters.
Continuous Intergration - SpaceB0x(@spaceb0xx)
Continuous Integration (CI) systems and similar architecture has taken new direction, especially in the last few years. Automating code builds, tests, and deployments is helping hordes of developers release code, and is saving companies a great amount of time and resources. But at what cost? The sudden and strong demand for these systems have created some widely adopted practices that have large security implications, especially if these systems are hosted internally. I have developed a tool that will help automate some offensive testing against certain popular CI build systems. There has been a large adoption of initiating these builds through web hooks of various kinds, especially changes to public facing code repositories.
I will start with a brief overview of some of the more popular CI tools and how they are being used in many organizations. This is good information for understanding, at a high level, the purpose of these systems as well as some security benefits that they can provide. From there we will dive into specific examples of how these different CI implementations have created vulnerabilities (in one case to a CI vendor themselves). Last we will explore the tool, its purpose, and a demonstration of its use. This tool takes advantage of the configurations of various components of the build chain to look for vulnerabilities. It then has the capability to exploit, persist access, command and control vulnerable build containers. Most of the demonstration will revolve around specific CI products and repositories, however the concepts are applicable across most build systems. The goal here is to encourage further exploration of these exploitation concepts. The tool is built "modularly" to facilitate this. If you are new to CI and automated build systems, or if you have been doing it for years, this talk and tool will help you to better secure your architecture
spaceB0x is extremely dedicated to his work in information security. He is the Sr. Security Engineer at a software company called LeanKit. He likes, and occasionally succeeds at, security dev-opsing, web application and network penetration testing, and some other security things. He has written tools for secure key management within automation infrastructures, capturing netflow data, and pwning automated build systems. He loves the hacker community, learning new things, and exploring new ideas.
The Analogue Prism of Network Security -Winn Schwartau (@winnschwartau")
Imagine if network security had no ‘0’s and no ‘1’s. That Digital was not Binary.
Imagine, instead, that network security has no absolutes but applies ‘Continua’.
Imagine if we added dynamic analogue functionality to security processes.
Imagine if we used OODA and feedback and feedforward loops as core security concepts.
Imagine if we added the word ‘Time’ to every question and every answer when discussing security.
Imagine we can actually employ Negative Time.
Imagine if we added new OOB functionality to TCP/IP rather than redesign fundamental communications protocols.
Imagine. Just imagine how our views of security would suddenly change, and new answers, approaches and models appeared… just because we looked at security through an analogue prism.
Winn Schwartau will walk us through a new conceptual model of security (Not a Product or Vendor anything! Just some ideas…) that applies to everything from coding to networking to inter-networking… and maybe, just maybe, in its abstraction, solves DDoS, Spam and Phishing?
Bring it on and tell Winn what is wrong with his ideas.
1. How to measure security performance, especially for detection and reaction to security events.
2. How to measure and compare defensive security products.
3. How to design code with enhanced detection mechanisms.
4. How to compare risk in multi-user administrative functions.
"The Civilian Architect of Information Warfare"
Winn Schwartau is one of the world's top experts on security, privacy, infowar, cyber-terrorism, and related topics. He is also the president and founder of The Security Awareness Company.
Winn is gifted at making highly technical security subjects understandable and entertaining. In addition to being called "The Civilian Architect of Information Warfare," he is one of the country's most sought after experts on information security, infrastructure protection, and electronic privacy. He has authored more than 12 security books and has been the recipient of a host of industry recognitions. You can read a lot more about Winn's publications and history on his site.
Hacking Academia for Fun and Profit. - Michael Walker (@RighteousCoder)
Synopsis: I Present my most recently published academic paper on creating a blockchain testbed management framework for developers to use, and explain how Hacker skills and principles were used to in its development. This talk is a continuation of last year's impromptu presentation I did on on mixing Academics and Hacking. Additionally, how to leverage your hacker skills to not only get recognition, but just as importantly funding for hacking/research.
I ******* Love Lasers! - Laughing Boy
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - LASER. Try to name an aspect of your modern life that has not directly benefited in some way, shape or form by these amazing devices. Once dismissed as nothing more than a harebrained concept concocted by over-active science fiction authors' minds, today, lasers are entrenched in our every day lives. We've watched them shrink in size - from behemoths that weighed hundreds of pounds, required extensive water cooling and consumed enough electrons to power a city block, to air-cooled devices you can hold in your hand and run off batteries. We've watched them grow in power and efficiency - from laser pointers putting out a few milli watts, to cutting / burning devices putting out tens of watts. Laughing Boy gives a brief history of this incredible contraption - where we've been, where we are, and where LASER technology is going next. You'll also see a live demonstration of the Nicha NUBM44 (currently) the world's most powerful visible laser diode.
Skills For A Redteamer - Brent White (@brentwdesign)
Want to incorporate hybrid security assessments into your testing methodology? What does going above and beyond look like for these types of assessments? How do you provide the best value with the resources and scope provided? What do some of these toolkits encompass?
If you’re interested in what skills are needed for a Red-Teamer, or taking your red teaming assessments to the next level, here’s the basic info to get you started. We’ll discuss items of importance, methodology, gear, stories and even some tactics used to help give you an edge.
Brent is an Sr. Security Consultant at TrustedSec. He is the founding member of the Nashville DEF CON group (DC615) and is also a supervisor for the DEF CON conference “Groups” program. He has held the role of Web/Project Manager and IT Security Director at the headquarters of a global franchise company as well as Web Manager and information security positions for multiple television personalities and television shows on The Travel Channel.
He has also been interviewed on the popular web series, “Hak5” with Darren Kitchen, BBC News, and on Microsoft’s “Roadtrip Nation” television series. Brent has also spoken at numerous security conferences, including DEF CON, DerbyCon, ISSA International, SaintCon, PhreakNic, SkyDogCon, NolaCon, various B-Sides conferences, Techno Security & Forensics Con, TakeDownCon, Appalachian Institute of Digital Evidence (AIDE) conference at Marshall University, and more.
DKEY - Data Destruction At Scale - Drew Sutton (@dasseclab)
DKEY is an open source Python program I wrote based on some experiences working on webscale infrastructure. It allows drives to be accessed on a remote machine and both securely encrypt and wipe disks of their data. This talk will go into some of the thinking behind this as well as discussing the program itself.
SharkDump: Network Analysis Using tcpdump and Wireshark - Drew Sutton (@dasseclab)
When it comes to tools of the trade, Wireshark is touted as the de facto tool for doing network traffic and packet analysis - for good reason. Wireshark's greatest strengths are also it's biggest weaknesses and this talk will go through complimenting Wireshark with tcpdump for some baseline network analysis.
Haskell Doesn't Have to be a Hassle - Elbino Bunny (@BunnyGamerBlog)
I have been to so many technical conferences and heard so many podcasts where code developers, even functional programmers, have labeled Haskell as an out of reach language only approachable by academics in their ivory towers. This talk would seek to put this rumor to rest. I will go through an overview of what functional programming is and what makes the Haskell language a pure functional programming language, provide an easy introduction to Haskell from the perspective of a procedural or object-oriented programmer, and then demonstrate an example of an N64 emulator I coded in Haskell as a real-world example of what Haskell can do.
Following obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, ElbinoBunny has been a software developer for the past 10 years. In that time he obtained his Masters of Science in Information Security and has worked at hardening developed code and figuring out how to best mitigate risk. Special interests also include penetration testing and tinkering. For fun ElbinoBunny also runs BunnyGamer, a site where he reports on all things gaming.
Practical applications of apps & devices that can see, hear, and think. -Ben Vierck and Tim Paschedag
Practical applications of apps & devices that can see, hear, and think.
Reverse Engineering Circuit Boards - Jonathan Ryan
How to reverse engineer a printed circuit board using only a flat bed scanner, drafting program and a multi-meter--and a lot of time.
In 1995 I bought a brand new Ford diesel pickup truck, which was the first computer-controlled diesel engine sold in the US. Knowing it was new technology, I knew there were no mechanics who knew how to work on it, so I bought the factory service manual and read it, so I could do my own work. A few years later, I found an internet forum of fellow enthusiasts, and since I had read the service manual, I was a de-facto expert. (Although I didn't see myself as an expert.) Fast forward to 2003, and this interest turned into a hobby, and then a business specializing in Ford diesels. In 2009, after starting to see a lot of failures in the Injector Driver Modules (Computers) my curiosity led me to reverse engineer the entire circuit board of several different units.
Making life in an MSP easier (and more difficult!) with Labtech and automation. - Froggy (@froggynotacon)
One of the challenges of optimizing MSP performance is saving technicians and engineers from having to deal with stupid and repetitive problems. People are best when they tackle tricky issues that a machine just can't figure out on its own.
In this presentation, Froggy will talk about the Labtech (now Connectwise Automate) monitoring/management system, Powershell and other tips and tricks he uses to make life easier in his organization. Code/scripts and references will be provided to all who attend.
Froggy will also discuss some security issues he discovered within the Labtech system, as well as other hacks that make the system more manageable and interesting!"
Overkill: The Home Edition - James Powell (@_grayraven_)
Home networks used to be simple and manageable. Today, to do things right, you need to be a network and security team all in one. Come with me on a journey from a simple flat insecure network to something better. Something that is manageable, secure, and defensible for the users. A network that is, for the builder, a lab for learning and developing skills.
James Powell is a product security analyst at Cisco Systems. He has been fascinated with manipulation since his childhood. Despite receiving a degree in psychology, he spent 18 years as a professional in the Information Technology space. James spent the first seven years of his career as a system and network administrator before moving to the dark art of programming. Two years ago he stopped dabbling and tumbled down the security rabbit hole. This journey makes him believe that he is finally using his degree professionally. During his downtime, James can be found practicing martial arts, brewing beer and mead, or writing.
Skills – Microsoft vs. Linux. Why personnel in IT should have both. - Steve Mallard
With the IT world using both Microsoft and Linux, what skills do you need to break into and survive in this career? Everyone knows the difference between a skilled certified IT professional and someone who just gets certifications. Learn why the classroom isn’t enough and why certifications and hands-on are essential. See what security skills you need and how to stay current in information technology. Demos in basic hacking that include IoT, PLC and wireless.
25+ years in Information Technology - Private security consultant for Business, Industry and Government Master Instructor of Information
Technology and Information Management with the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology-Shelbyville.
Awards - 2001 Instructor of the Year 2005
Computer Forensics Award - TTC Shining Star 2011
Computerworld Laureate 2012
TechTarget Mid-Market Leadership Award 2012
TCAT Shining Star - Learning Management System 2014
CTE Excellence in Action 2015
White House "Celebrating Innovations in Career and Technical Education" 2016
"State Leadership Playbook" NRCCTE 2016
Dean's List: EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Ed IT Blogs
The Drone State of the Union - Ron Foster (@vektek)
Ron's expertise on all things drone is a favorite of PhreakNIC. We are glad to have him back talking of his experiences and answering any and all questions of drone-craft!
With over 15 years of it experience with various platforms and technologies, i have tested both large and small enterprise applications. cutting my teeth as a unix instructor for sun microsystems. i then went on to make a career out of breaking things, and i have been doing it ever since. when not running security assessment’s for hp’s fortify on demand service. you can find me refurbishing an old ww1/ww2 rifle, doing some photography, meddling with drones, or heading out to the woods for some dirt time.
Communicating your tech knowledge through stand-up, storytelling, and magical thinking - West
Once upon a time in 2016 I began the journey of 'learning to code'. Along the way, at in-person gatherings I found that many struggled to communicate their advanced tech knowledge to my baseline neophytism. From those lessons on top of 14 years of improv/stand-up training, I developed this interactive workshop to remind people how to apply classic storytelling devices they subconsciously know to better communicate in pseudo-code. Free sandwiches will be given to those who participate through the whole workshop.
btrfs - The Best Filesystem You’ve Not Heard Of! - poiupoiu (@poiupoiu)
What? You've never heard about btrfs? Well, today's your lucky day! Come and hear about this relatively new filesystem, why it's awesome, and learn why it's been called out in poiupoiu's bio for two years now! t? You've never heard about btrfs? Well, today's your lucky day! Come and hear about this relatively new filesystem, why it's awesome, and learn why it's been called out in poiupoiu's bio for two years now!
Poiupoiu is a daddy, a husband, an engineer, and a geek from Huntsville, AL. He enjoys encoding videos, photography, playing video games, and puns. He has spent countless hours learning about video encoding, and loves him some SSH, rsync, and btrfs. He has been a great friend to PhreakNIC and serves as our Audio/Visual Director this year.
FOIA Update: It finally got hard - Steve Esposito (@AustrianAnarchy)
My most recent adventure in FOIA requests on a 1970s bank bomber. From discovering that I might get a wealth of additional information, to the shock of a possible massive bill, through narrowing the search down to eliminate duplicate records. How the online donations community helped eliminate my fear that all would be lost. And the FBI helped too.
Plus maybe a few personal discoveries in the graphic arts if time permits.
Steve Esposito is an Environmental Specialist for the Knox County Department of Air Quality Management. He is a US Army veteran (Aviation, former Major) with a background in financial information systems (no, not the ones your bank uses). Besides his time in uniform, he was a defense contractor supporting the US Navy, US Army, Missile Defense Agency, and the Defense Information Systems Agency for over 15 years.
On the civilian side of things, Steve has written for the Reason Foundation, The Foundation for Economic Education, and the occasional online column here and there. You can find links to most of that at Austrian Anarchy.
Chipmusic Has Outlived The Chips (and it's better than ever) - Arnie Holder
A look at the origins of what we now refer to as chipmusic (or chiptunes if you must), how its maintained its identity through many technological changes, and how it has matured. In a world that no longer relies on the specialized sound generators that gave the art form its name why is it still around?
After graduating from WKU thoroughly burned out on physics and math, Arnie switched his focus to a different geeky obsession: chipmusic and lo-fi art. He ran the infamous chip netlabel "Datathrash Recordings" from 2011-2015, performs experimental chipmusic as "Abandoned on Fire" and analog/digital hybrid as "Microsoft Ritual Basic", and posts memes on instagram. He lives in Bowling Green, KY with his wife and three beautiful cats.
Geek's Guide To A Healthy Lifestyle - Ben White
Will you live to see the Singularity?
While it would be great to live long enough to upload your intelligence into a self-sustaining orbiting satellite, equipped with high-speed internet and a cloaking device, the need to be healthy is relevant in the short term as well (after all, zombies are only getting faster).
Learn how living healthy can improve your IQ, give you more energy and help you avoid the diseases that we think come with age by really don't have to. At least come learn what things to avoid doing (as if you didn't already know!)
HalfJack is a Associate Professor of Information Technology at a State college in Georgia that prefers to remain anonymous. For the past 20 years most of his teaching has resembled 19th century Russian poetry (there's a lot of talk but everybody still freezes to death). Only a smattering of outstanding students and taking summers off has (mostly) preserved his sanity. He believes you can't have too many wheelbarrows and the best piece of advice he ever gave at an con talk was "Don't point the sharp end of the tool towards your body"
Geek Ladies Tea Party
Several ladies wished last year to have a venue to get together and talk about the things that we are doing that are lovely and geeky. Your wish is our command. The pleasure of your company is requested at the geek ladies afternoon tea party . Wear your favorite hat and bring two dozen of your favorite small scones, tea cakes or canapé to share. This is a chance to showcase the projects we are working on and other things we are Geeking Out about. Bring your Crosstitch, your knitting, your sewing, your electronics projects, whatever it is you're interested in. We should have a Mic for us to share our experiences with the whole group of friends. If anyone has a tea pot and a favorite tea we would love for you to bring it. If you want to drink out of something other than paper, please bring your own cup. I look forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon. Love, Winnie DaHu
The Password GameShow - Mog and Brimstone (@mogactually)
Some gifts keep on giving. The leak of Adobe users in 2013 has given the infosec community years of enjoyment, some of which we'll now share with you. This event is a gameshow, with the objective to identify the weakest of passwords. Volunteers from the audience will compete against the clock and themselves as human password guessing machines.
His name is Mog, he is a six-foot tall ape descendant. He is a father of 2, hacker at makers local 256, and generally a free software hippie. Ask him about erlang, gpl, emacs, gEDA, GNUradio, or really bad movies and he will talk your ear off.
An FBI view into network security and where the failures are - Scott Augenbaum and Victor Rodriguez
Scott will talk about his experience with the threats and concerns that he sees. Learn some takeaways that organizations need to understand about security in the real world.
After joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the New York Field Office in 1988 as a support employee, I became a Special Agent in 1994 and was assigned to the Syracuse, New York Office, where I worked domestic terrorism, white collar and hate crimes, and all computer crime investigations.
In October 2003, I was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent at FBI Headquarters, Washington D.C in the Cyber Division, Cyber Crime Fraud Unit and was responsible for managing the FBI's Cyber Task Force Program and Intellectual Property Rights Program. In 2006, I transferred to Nashville, TN and managed the FBI Memphis Division Computer Intrusion/Counterintelligence Squad in Nashville, TN.
Over the past ten years, I've had the opportunity to provide hundreds of computer intrusion threat briefings with the goal of educating the community on emerging computer intrusion threats and how to not to be the victim of a data breach. Earned an MBA at American Sentinel University in Information Technology and a Masters Certificate in Information Security Management from Villanova University and hold numerous General Information Assurance Certifications.
Social Engineering: A Practitioner Guide - SA Hale and Terry Hale
We will go into how you actually perform social engineering using the skills from Counseling Psychology, Cognitive Biases, etc. the same skills that Sales and Marketing are now using on us.
Mr. Hale is a Computer Scientist with a substantial depth and breadth of experiences totaling 30 years in Cognitive System Engineering, Security Engineering, Cyber Warfare, Information Assurance, Testing, System Administration, and Software Engineering. Predominantly utilizing an inter disciplinary approach that brings the human side to technology by combining Cognitive and Behavioral Science, with Computer and Security Engineering.
Examples where Mr. Hale has uses the human centric computing approach include system security management, security architecture, vulnerability and penetration testing, social engineering, information assurance, software engineering, and network security.
Mr. Hale’s duties include cyber technical lead and Information System Security Officer (ISSO) for 9 classified Information Systems (IS). In addition, he has provided engineering and analysis support for numerous projects for MDA, GMD, SMDC, USMC, US Navy, Homeland Security, State of Alabama, National Guard Bureau, and others.
Furthermore, Mr. Hale is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Athens State University where he teaches courses in System Security Management, Digital Forensics, Cyber Ethics, Javascripts, and C++.
Terry Hale has been fascinated with the decision making process since she began dealing with customers in her family.s business when she was a young teen. Throughout her adult life, she has studied social engineering while working in a career that includes sales, teaching, corporate training, and NASA and Department of Defense technical support.
Currently, Terry is a full-time glass artist and jewelry designer. Her designs can be found in fine art galleries and shows throughout the southeast US. In addition to teaching in her studio, Terry regularly teaches at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown NC, Appalachian Center for Craft (Tennessee Tech) in Smithville TN, and at Essence of Mulranny, County Mayo, Ireland. She depends on her study of
You contact Terry at terry@halefireglass.com
Welcome to PhreakNET! (@_NSAKEY)
NETKOTH. What are the rules? What is out of bounds? How are things set up this year?
Kids Track: Learning to program in Scratch - Michele Carpenter
As I sought ways to teach my own children to enjoy computer programming and art, I recently discovered MIT's Scratch coding program. My 15 minutes of internet fame came through being a part of the Scratch community. In the two years since joining Scratch for the first time, I've been delighted to create over 30 fun projects and games. Logging on to see that one of my games has been featured on the main page of Scratch, not once but twice within the last six months--garnering nearly 60,000 views and gaining over 300 Scratch followers!"
Michele Carpenter is a mural artist, voice actress and teacher at her church. She's the narrator of 18 audiobooks, the wife of Josh Carpenter and mother of 3 children. She loves guiding and motivating children to develop their skills and talents."I remember seeing my first computer the day I started preschool. I've been amazed and intrigued with the endless possibilities that that these machines offer us, ever since. My curiosity was ignited, but my interactions and exposure to computers was so rare that I don't think I saw one again until 4th grade. When I was 13, my family got a home computer. I was fascinated by programming Basic Computer Codes from the back of my sister's 321 Contact Magazine subscriptions to create simple games. I didn't actively pursue computer learning but did take the Microsoft Q-Basic and Turbo Pascal classes offered at my High School. My main focus was art. Art in any form. I plowed through 3 high school art classes and went on to paint murals for my college. After getting married, I again owned a home computer and quickly began learning Photoshop and other Adobe programs. I learned graphic design and dabbled in Web Design and photography--while raising three toddlers--learning some Java Script and HTML as I went.
Kids Track: Makey Makey the Invention Kit for Everyone! - Amy Flatt (@AmyFlatt1)
MaKey MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween
Amy Flatt is the Founder of EDGE-ucational Consultants, LLC and a public school teacher in Metro Nashville Public Schools. She specializes in scaffolding children's academic success and creativity in STEM related subjects, to hone their unique gifts. She strongly believes STEM learning opens many opportunities people could miss without training. She also knows, if STEM is taught correctly can increase levels of engagement for this generation of students.
Amy has been published in TREND magazine and Edueto Magazine and blogs for TeachersandCompany.blogspot.com. She loves to teach robotics, micro-controllers, coding, Mathematics and other STEM subjects. She also is pleased to speak on a wide range of Teaching and Educational Policy issues. Amy has been a guest speaker for PyOhio and The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. You can reach her at AmyFlatt@edge-ucationalconsultants.com, follow her on twitter @amyflatt1 or fund her goal to get a 3D printer and other useful tech tech teaching tools by supporting her on Patreon under Amy Flatt.
More Kids Track: I can solder badges!
This easy to solder kit can be assembled in about 10 min. The LED lite badge will remind you and everyone you wear it around of your new found skills for several days* (or as long as the battery lasts). Children who participate in this activity must have a responsible adult to step in and help if needed!
Lightning Talks - (Brought to you by Shae Erisson (@Shapr)
Have something you think is interesting? Stand up and give a 5 min talk about it. This event was organized last year by Shae and was a huge hit with our attendees. Its informal and fun! Bring your curiosity and encouragement for your fellow attendees!
Getting started with Python Workshop - Shae Erisson (@Shapr)
We will have 20 computers set up and ready to go for those who want to learn some Python! No experience necessary!
Making pottery from CAD using open source tools - Phil Showersi( @EnabrinTain)
The talk will cover a short introduction to pottery, then explore a couple of techniques of using OpenSCAD to make 3d Printable shapes for casting slipmolds. I'll cover lessons learned regarding 3dprinting a positive, the method of preparing it for casting, and measuring and calculating volumes, mixing pottery plaster, casting, de-moulding, drying, using the molds, and firing. This will not be hands on due to the messy nature of the subject, however it should be interesting from a "coding physical things" perspective.
Phil Showers is a maker at Makers Local 256, Huntsville, AL's oldest hackerspace. When he's not playing with clay or cleaning up clay messes, he enjoys melting aluminium, and cutting things out of plate steel with a plasma cutter. By day, he is a software engineer for the best aerospace company in the industry.
Self Defense 101
Beyond being "the guy in the kilt," Oddball is a long time martial artist and an Assert Self Defense certified instructor. Join him as he discusses important aspects of self defense and demonstrates some simple techniques. Participants must sign wavers to participate, and should wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to hit things.
Oddball is a long time friend to PhreakNIC and past speaker. He has served as a volunteer and director at many past PhreakNICs. Oddball also helps run the local speculative fiction conference Hypericon. He is known for being a kilt ethusiast, and is a avid supporter of the Second Amendment.
WorkShop: An introduction to VI(m)!
VI comes default on just about every *nix installation. The learning curve is steep and there is lots of confusion on just how to exit! Ben is a user of VI for over 15 years and he will walk you through some basics and introduce you to how to use this powerful editing tool. This workshop is intended for beginners and those who have never used VI before but all are welcome. (Workshops provide only 20 laptops so seating is limited)
WorkShop: Linux: Using command line interface with basic commands to get the data you want
We will take some basic commands and walk through using them to pull and manipulate text files to get them in the form we want them. This class is intended for those new to Linux and the CLI but all are welcome!