PhreakNIC 9 - October 21-23, 2005, Nashville, Tennessee

PhreakNIC 9 is over!

Videos are being transcoded and uploaded. We will provide a link once they are ready for your general consumption.

If you have relevant pictures from this weekend that you would like either hosted or linked to from here, please let Scott know.

TinyDisk Announced

Acidus chose this weekend to publicly announce his latest project, TinyDisk, which allows someone to anonymously distribute files via TinyURL! Check it out the Documentation section at the bottom, where he included the presentation materials from his talk at PhreakNIC.

PhreakNIC is an annual convention held in Nashville, TN. Originally started as a "hacker convention," it has since grown to include all things of interest to the technology minded individual, such as sci-fi/fantasy, gaming, anime and other areas of tech culture. PhreakNIC is organized by the Nashville 2600 Organization and the Nashville Linux Users Group. There are technical presentations, cultural exhibits and panels, as well as plenty of socializing.

Presentations and gaming begin at 11:30 AM on Friday and end on Saturday evening (registration begins at 10 AM Friday).

Download, Print and Distribute the Flyer!

Get the flyer here. Note that KGhostView does not display the flyer correctly, but Xpdf does (and Adobe Acrobat as well).

Have a website? Link to us - click here for our banner.

Presentation Schedule

The schedule has been confirmed and is now available.


Passes cost $20 and are good for the entire weekend. All registration is at the door; there is no pre-registration. Speakers get in for free. As per tradition since PhreakNIC 6, there will be some sort of souvenir swag given out to the first 300 paid attendees. Volunteers get a free t-shirt after working their shifts. To sign up online to volunteer, click here.

Art Contest

Todd Lyles has submitted the winning entry (seen above). Thanks to all that entered!