





Scavenger Hunt
Who to blame?
Shadow404, Scotchick,
for making you want to win stuff. This was all their idea.
This will be a theme based scavenger hunt incorporating everything
from aliens, survival tools, and positioning systems.
Friday, October 19, 2007 at 00:00 until Saturday, October 20, 2007
at 19:30.
Why not?
How Do I Participate?
On Friday, October 19, 2007 at 00:00 the Scavenger Hunt List
will go live here, as well as on a bulletin board at the hotel.
The list will be theme based. For each item, a set amount of
points will be awarded as well as bonus points for uniqueness.
There will be bonus questions/tasks as well that will earn teams
extra credit.
Pre-registration for individuals and teams (max of 4 people per
team, prize must be split among the members) is available now!
It is recommended that your team size not be larger than two
people. Registration will be open until 12 Noon on Saturday
October 20th, at the convention.
The Items for the Scavenger Hunt are going to be posted here,
All scavenger hunt items are to be presented to the judges no
later than Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 19:30. Judges will be
wearing Scavenger Hunt Judge badges for easy identification.
Judges are
The Scavenger
Hunt discussion forum is up for your questions or
if want to work on setting up teams.
Examples of items include photos of famous or infamous people,
objects readily obtainable in or around Nashville, and may
involve embarassing moments in your life.
Creative entries may also receive additional points.
Over $1,000 in prizes
1. At no such time will the scavenger hunt ask you
to break any laws in obtaining items or points. (No other rule
usurps this one)
2. No sharing of items amongst different teams
3. Plagiarism is not acceptable
4. Item may only be used once per category during the length of
the event
5. Judges decisions are final.
6. For clarification on any issues, contact:
7. Bribing of the judges is a waste of time.
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Organization 2007, All rights reserved.
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