Please take a moment to answer two questions so that we can best plan for next year!
Google Survey
Please take a moment to answer two questions so that we can best plan for next year!
Google Survey
Know a youngster whose favorite questions are ‘Why?” and “How?”
(best for ages 8-14)
Pre-register them for our kid’s track: (only while tickets last)
Note: Please be accompanied by a responsible adult (adult need not purchase an admission but is expected to supervise their child)
and more!
We should have it up in the next couple of days!
Home labs: Gambling between a Christmas Card from the Power Company, or a surprise DEA Bust
Inside the code of an automotive Engine Control Module
Intro to Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Let’s Get JAMming: An introduction to static site generators
REST is dead, long live GraphQL!
Waiting for the FBI – Update on FOIA Inquiry for Time Bomber Book
Pre-Registration Discount is ending!– Head over to https://phreaknic.info/index.php/pre-register/ and get early bird pricing!
If you’ve ever been frustrated by a REST API because the data came back in an uncomfortable format, or you weren’t able to ask for exactly what you need, then GraphQL is for you! Come hear Robert Ward give his talk “REST is dead, long live GraphQL!”
Does your bonus room need its own cooling to keep up with the numerous heat sources of your hobbies? Is one Oscilloscope ever the right number? Come hear Ken Moini give his talk: Home labs: Gambling between a Christmas Card from the Power Company, or a surprise DEA Bust
Come hear Dennis Stepp’s talk: “Let’s Get JAMming: An introduction to static site generators”. “In under an hour you can build your blog, project documentation, or even a very basic eCommerce site. ” The talk will be accompanied by several demonstrations. Even if you don’t make sites yourself, the next time you get that dreaded “You know about computers! – How should I build a website?” Then you will know. (.. and knowing is half the battle 😉 )