When is PhreakNIC?
November 4-6, 2011
Where is PhreakNIC?
Days Inn Stadium
211 North First Street
Nashville, TN 37213
Group Code: PhreakNIC
What is PhreakNIC?
PhreakNIC is Nashville's annual hacker con. Anyone is welcome to attend. We create an environment where people who are interested in the more underground elements of technology can meet, exchange ideas and hopefully teach/learn. The primary focus is on computers and computer security, but we also cover other topics, such as radio (ham, pirate & low-power/community), SETI work, robotics, high-power rocketry, satellites, phones and phreaking, cryptography, etc. PhreakNIC is organized annually by Nashville 2600 a non-profit organization.
Pre-Registration is available again through click and pledge at store.phreaknic.info. If you pre-register this year please use the "Customize your con badge" link in the menu to submit your visage/logo for your badge. This will be our fifteenth year and we hope you will make plans to join us.
Who is PhreakNIC
PhreakNIC is attended by anyone with a curious mind. That being said we are now accepting papers for this year. If you would like to give a talk submit your name and a brief synopsis of what you'd like to talk about to president -at- nashville2600.org.
- 11/14/2011 - Videos are online at blip.tv and have been added to the schedule in with the talk description. Last if you really just want to download them they are in the official archives.
- 11/06/2011 - The music is going and I have uploaded the first batch of photos to imgur. Enjoy!
- 11/05/2011 - The organizers of PhreakNIC are extending a special offer to the guests of Skydogcon. If you would like to come to PhreakNIC and have a Skydogcon badge come on over and for $20 we would love to have you. The BBQ is at 6 and the band is starting at 10. The hotel isn't shutting us down at midnight.
- 11/01/2011 - Just posting some of the details for the scavenger hunt.
- 10/07/2011 - Shirts are available for purchase through the store. Design is here.
- 10/06/2011 - Partial schedule posted.
- 9/28/2011 - Email sent out about updates.
- 9/20/2011 - Updated Hotel Information page.
- 9/13/2011 - Dolemite is renewing his request for minions. Volunteer Signup.
- 9/11/2011 - Added FAQ and History pages.
- 9/05/2011 - New links on friends and associates page, additional speaker profiles, additional generic flier under promotional materials.
- 8/16/2011 - Call for papers is open. Send talk ideas to president@nashville2600.org
- 8/16/2011 - Added speakers to speaker page
- 8/16/2011 - Added history bar to main index
- 7/12/2011 - Updated speakers site code
- 5/19/2011 - Volunteer code rewrite complete