The Official 'Quotes and Things Learned @ PhreakNIC v2.0' List

Compiled by maverick and Decius6i5 - submissions from the folks at PhreakNIC v2.0 


Don't fall asleep in a room full of drunk, partying people.
maverick: "Hey, newly weds - Get out of my room!"
Remember your root password.
Twisted can't Dj...
...maverick CAN Dj
You CAN be hacked out of your chair!
shell = clock
Hugme is the god of crap!
Next year, Ataraxia gets to put up the spider web. 
Make sure you save your game before you add the "Crown Royal" object to your inventory.
Don't bother locking your laptop to the leg of a 3 pound table.
Don't let Qzar run out of Beer.
Don't smoke in a bus that smells like gas fumes.
Gravity is Decius' worst enemy.
The whole party in mav's room: "Wasted away again in Margaritaville...Searching for my lost shaker of salt!" 
   Rattle: "I'm getting the hell out of here before the palm trees sprout up!"
Bring your own Denny's take-out boxes - they'll be out of 'em!
mav to Cutting: "Check-out the nice 24-port 3Com hub that the State of Tennessee doesn't know 
   we're borrowing from them for the weekend..."
PLEASE bring a change of clothes.
Showers can be used for more than just cooling beer folks... 
Lipstick can suck.
"I'm changing my nick to 'F*cked Up'!" - Decius6i5
Large commercial aircraft flying 200 feet overhead every 2 minutes and *WE'RE* too loud??  Waaaaaa!!!
Always find another group of hotel guests to blame the noise complaints on. (thanks Michigan basketball team!)
Question: maverick, where did you get pics of naked chicks covered in Jolt Cola stickers?
   Answer: Out of the 34 meg porn directory on Twisted's wide-open Win98 machine!
You know the party is good when the noise complaints come from another hotel.
Don't teach a drunk Canadian how to use linux.
After enough drinks, no one cares about the Internet.
Stay somewhat sober until AFTER the girls jump in the pool.
The Hacksec crew - the only people that could use a Windows laptop as a firewall and get away with it!  
Don't try to skip out on paying for your portion of the room.
Decius - Sunday, 11am:  "Welp, I'm still drunk." (and Qzar's still drinking!)
maverick brings more stuff to decorate his room with than most college kids take home for Christmas break! 
You know the hotel network is under attack when the collision light on your hub is so bright you can't sleep!
Social engineering the hotel staff is not that difficult.
Can't find your previously locked-up laptop?  Check in the ceiling of the con room!
Actually plan what to say BEFORE your panel discussion!
2 bottles of Nitro can get you through a 4 hour drive home afterwards.
Ask if it's alright BEFORE you take the picture!
Nuke your browser cache before using your box up as a public ftp server...especially if you're into bondage.
"What's that smell and why is my leg wet?"
Question: Does anyone have a copy of Slackware 3.5? 
   Answer: Check Twisted, Doommaker, & Flip's room - they've got 7!
maverick: "Who in the hell threw these old Adidas sandals that smell like shit into my bathtub of beer?  
   Gawd they stink - throw 'em out the door into the pool!"
The Hacksec guys made their own con shirts and badges?!?!!
"Hugme, if you go to the free breakfast bar dressed like that all of the old folks in there are going to faint!"
During a talk, don't belch into a mic going out over a live RealAudio feed.
In a pinch, you can strip a wire by dipping it into Nailbomb's hurricane drinks.
Don't bring a girlfriend to PhreakNIC unless she's willing to give back-rubs.
Even without 'net access, you can find plenty of warez/mp3 sites.
Don't mess with Dave's Insanity Sauce.
You really can build a Linux box for $3.
Don't walk away from your box and leave root logged in.
"Someone go get Nailbomb another 5 pounds of sugar for the hurricanes!"
maverick - Saturday, 3pm: "You guys are passed-out ALREADY!?!?"
Nailbomb - "Dude, I brought my Mr. Coffee Elite!"
Qzar - Friday night: "Jonnyx brought 20 gallons of chili?  I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
Rattle: "Who was puking from the 3rd floor balcony??"
Ataraxia: "If these old farts manage to trip over a cable duct-taped into a crack in the sidewalk...let 'em fall!"
Wasn't it convenient how the AT&T Public Phone was "out-of-service" during the con?
Twisted: "Who renamed everything in my windows box to 'bitch'???"
Cat5 or no Cat5, Nailbomb will walk around and root every machine in the hotel.
CyberVox: "Is that webcam on?"  maverick: "sure"  CyberVox: "Welp, time for me to go!"
Doc Hench, maverick, and Decius to Twisted: "Dude, PLEASE go pass-out in your room!"
Jimmy Buffett and Nailbomb: "But there's booze in the blender...And soon it will render...
  ...That frozen concoction that helps me hang on!"
You can't do segmentation on a hub with only a partition switch.
Network wires CAN be taped to the wall/floor/ceiling and still be invisible to the human eye.
Don't let a big guy in black spandex and knee high combat boots stand behind you, especially
   when there are cameras present!
"Don't you have any NEWER warez?"  Dagmar commenting on Patrick's M.A.M.E. classic arcade game emulator.


Learn something new at the con? Remember a funny quote? Send them to: