Help us make PhreakNIC better!
     Tell us what you thought of PhreakNIC19!
PhreakNIC 20 is coming!
November 4th-6th 2016
Clarion Inn Murfreesboro
You can be a sponsor, for free!
Just signup for a free trial at CODEXCASTS.COM with an offer code of "nashville2600", and they will donate $100 to PhreakNIC!
Here's why:
In 2014, PhreakNIC (and Nashville 2600) ran into a serious issue with a hotel contract, where we were billed a higher than expected amount. The only way we could pay the bill, was because a very generous sponsor, CodexCasts, stepped in and gave us a last-minute no-interest loan of $6,000. This saved our bacon, but we are also painfully aware that this was a loan, and not a donation.
As another act of great generosity, the sponsor said that they would be willing to forgive the loan, if we could provide assistance to them in finding new users to come in and signup for free trials on their website.
For each such new user that signs up for a 30-day free trial, the sponsor will forgive $100 of the loan. In other words, if we can find merely 60 people to signup for free trials at CODEXCASTS.COM (code "nashville2600"), the loan will be COMPLETELY FORGIVEN.
Of course, if you like the product of CodexCasts, which is a series of training videos for Titanium programming, you can stick around, for a price of $9/month. Or if you don't like it, cancel immediately, there's no charge, and our struggling nonprofit still gets the $100 credit.
We have until the end of November to meet our goal of 60 free trials, so please, signup now, and you will effectively be a sponsor of Nashville 2600. You will be helping PhreakNIC get out from under this debt, which will allow us to have an even better PhreakNIC in 2016.
Again, just signup at CODEXCASTS.COM with an offer code of "nashville2600", and it will be worth $100 to us.
Thanks for the help!
October 30th, 2015
What is the best thing about PhreakNIC?
The answer, as cliche as it may sound, is YOU. If you want to get the most out of PhreakNIC step out of your shell. Invite others around you to come along to eat lunch or dinner; introduce yourself to those you meet. What has been your favorite thing at the con so far? Talk about what you are working on and what excites you. Include those around you into your conversations. Many of us are pretty quiet by nature and might be considered introverts, but the fact that you are at a conference with people who like the things you do means you can drop the normal barriers and make fast friends. Those of us who have been attending PhreakNIC for years have come to understand that while a weekend of information and inquiry is great, it's the faces and lives of those we meet and see there every year that keeps us coming back for more. I hope you get as much out of PhreakNIC and become as energized by it as we are. It’s why we do it in the first place :)
Oh and if you see Mog there, wish him a happy birthday. ;)
October 19th, 2015
Just a few rooms left!
There are less than 10 rooms remaining at the Clarion Inn. These may only be reserved by calling the hotel and using our room block "Nashville2600". If these become booked before you get a chance to do so, there are 7 other hotels within walking distance that are options.
October 17th, 2015
Schedule Announced!
Take a look at our Schedule. We still have a couple more surprises to announce and add before PhreakNIC. Also you will notice we still have several slots available for the workshop area. If we gave you a classroom with 16 laptops running a (*nix) and a little extra room besides, what do you think you could teach? We can record your session and it will live on to reach a much bigger audience by youtube if you prefer. Some people learn best by the hands on approach. If you are one of those and have something to share, by all means stop by our speak page and send us your ideas.
October 15th, 2015
October 18th will be the cut off for the %25 discount on Registration!
We want to give everyone a chance to get the lower priced registration so we are extending the deadline until Sunday, October 18th! We are happy to report that we already have over a 100 registrations already and the hotel rooms are filling up fast!
October 14th, 2015
Bring your family to PhreakNIC!
Have kids and want to introduce them to tech? We are having a kids track 10 AM - 3 PM on Saturday November 7th with a reduced admission for children ages 8-13.
Or do you have a significant other or friend who might not be interested in tech but would enjoy a weekend with you? We have the Nashville Area Gaming Association on site with a stack of board games. Playing board games wont even require a PhreakNIC registration. Now you have no excuse not to bring everyone along. You're welcome.
October 8th, 2015
We are excited to have Winn Schwartau speaking on Analog Network Security
Winn is an accomplished author and speaker with over 30 years in the information security industy. His book "Time Based Security" introduced a paradign shift in thinking to the network security industry. Winn continues to introduce concepts that challenge the industry to think outside the box and will soon release his new book, "Analog Network Security."
September 29th, 2015
The PhreakNIC19 Conference layout inside the Murfreesboro Clarion Inn

Click the image of the Map to get a much bigger view of our layout of tracks and activities.
September 24th, 2015
We are pleased to have Rick Sanders speaking on "Fear the Legal Platypus: Oracle v. Google and the Legal Protection of (and Restrictions on) Software"
The legality of copyright and patents when it pertains to software is tricky to say the least. Come hear a long time industry legal veteran talk about the Google and Oracle case and what it could mean for the future of software!
September 19th, 2015
Twenty-seven of Thirty-two speaking slots filled!
I am behind getting all the speakers and sessions updated on the site, but am pleased to announce that we have just 5 speaking slots left (of 32). Get in on those while you can ;)
September 17th, 2015
Update: More speakers added!
I have added new data on several or our speakers and sessions. I still have much more to post though and am in the process of getting it all taken care of. More coming soon!
September 15th, 2015
Update: Steve Esposito (@AustrianAnarchy) to speak on "Dock it Your Own !@#$% Self"
Steve Esposito returns to PhreakNIC this year to talk about the process of creating a documentary with free tools and how to protect it! Dock it Your Own !@#$% Self.
September 9th, 2015
Update: Stop by our Activities page
We are back from a great time at DragonCon and have updates! We will be continuing to add more activities as volunteers step up to bring things and help us run them. Do you have an old Apple ][ or commodore sitting around your garage collecting dust? Why not bring it? In the past we have had people bring 3D-printers, Fusion reactors, and even a Jet Engine. PhreakNIC is one place where we will appreciate it as much as you do ;) We have 57 days left until PhreakNIC!
August 23rd, 2015
Update: Elonka Dunin to speak on Beale Ciphers
We are excited to announce our first speaker, Elonka Dunin. This year she will give a talk on Beale ciphers. She recently appeared on the national television show "Myth Hunters" to lend her expertise on this topic. This year she moved local to Nashville and has been serving as the chair of the board for the Nashville2600.
August 2nd, 2015
Directors chosen:
Last night we met for a PhreakNIC planning meeting where we finished filling out our director roster. If you are interested in participating and joining future meetings please join our Nashville2600 Mailing List.
Also if you would like to receive updates about the conference subscribe to our PhreakNIC Announcement List.
August 1st, 2015
PhreakNIC 19 Registration Open!
We are approaching PN.-90 days and registration is open!
May 19th, 2015
PhreakNIC 19 Announced!
PhreakNIC 19 - November 6-7, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee
PhreakNIC is an annual technology convention, which has been held in the Nashville area since 1997. Originally started as a “hacker convention”, it has since grown to include many things of interest to geek culture and technology enthusiasts. Bringing in from 100-400 attendees, there are technical presentations and workshops, educational exhibits and panels, and plenty of socializing. For videos of past PhreakNIC presentations, check our videos.
Mailing List
Information for PhreakNIC 19 will be posted to our Twitter (@PhreakNIC) feed and mailing list.
Registration is not yet open for PhreakNIC. You can pre-register for PhreakNIC 19 by also joining the Nashville2600 organization, since membership also pays for attendance at PhreakNIC. Membership is $30 until October 31, 2015, and then $40 at the door. Group rates are also available, please write to for more information.
This year, PhreakNIC will be at the Clarion Inn Murfreesboro, which was also the location of PhreakNICs 16 and 17. We have a special group rate of $80/room, please state that you are part of the Nashville 2600 PhreakNIC group when making a reservation in order to take advantage of the group rate.
Dates: November 6-7, 2015
Sessions and Workshops will run all day and into the evening on Friday, November 6, and Saturday, November 7. Many attendees arrive on Thursday, so there is likely to be plenty of socializing on Thursday evening too.
Call for Speakers
If you would like to speak, host a panel, run a workshop, show movies or anime, fire up a nuclear reactor, conduct a rant, host a party, or anything else interesting, please let us know! This year’s theme is “Signal in the Noise”, but we are looking for all kinds of topics, including but not limited to 0-days, hardware hacking, darkweb/darknet, lockpicking, cryptocurrency, pen testing, anything bleeding edge, or even historical or cultural if it might be of interest to tech/security geeks. Please send a description of what you’d like to do, to
Vendor tables are FREE to organizations that are relevant to the geek/technology community. To reserve space, please write to
Nashville 2600 Organization
The past year has seen its share of challenges for PhreakNIC and the local 2600 community, but this convention marks a fresh start for us. The Nashville 2600 Nonprofit has been completely overhauled, with a new Board, a new updated set of Bylaws, and a new Chairperson, the very impressive Elonka Dunin who is now living in Nashville. And yes, she will be giving several of her highly popular talks at this year’s PhreakNIC!
For out-of-town visitors who are flying in to Nashville Airport and need help with transportation to the Murfreesboro Hotel (about 30 miles south of the airport), we will have a FREE shuttle service. Please contact us ( with your travel plans so that we can meet you when you arrive, and get you back to the airport after the convention.
Get involved
Want to volunteer? This gets you a free T-shirt at PhreakNIC. Send an email to to find out more.
Want to help sponsor?
Sponsors get access to an audience of highly tech-literate individuals, and all donations are tax-deductible, since PhreakNIC is put on by Nashville 2600, an official Tennessee 501(c)(3) Organization. Please contact us at for more information regarding our sponsor packages.